The Neon Blue Guppy has a solid bright blue body that can vary in different shades of blue and sometimes purple. They have the traditional guppy tail that flows while its swimming making this guppy fun to watch. Neon Blue Guppy Fish are peaceful when put with other non-aggressive fish, making them great for community tanks. These freshwater guppies are perfect for beginners and more seasoned hobbyists!
These guppies are peaceful and easy to care for. They are the ideal fish for beginners and community aquariums and are a real eye-catcher thanks to their vibrant colors.
As mentioned above, these freshwater guppies are incredibly peaceful and are great for keeping in larger aquariums with other peaceful fish species. In densely planted aquariums, the fish quickly feel very comfortable, and because they are omnivores, they can easily cohabitate the aquarium with other fish that may have slightly more specific nutritional requirements.
We feed our fish a mix of frozen, live, and prepared foods including live baby brine and black worms. We also supplement their diet with a mix of Northfin Veggie, Community, and Bug Pro.