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Double Sword Guppy | Poecilia Reticulatus

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Double Sword Guppy

The Double Swordtail Guppy is a striking livebearer known for its elongated, sword-like tail fins that create a mesmerizing display of movement in the water. This vibrant fish comes in an array of vibrant colors, making it a standout in any freshwater aquarium. This species adds movement and color to community tanks.

This Swordtail Guppy is peaceful and perfect for community tanks with other non-aggressive species. Swordtail Guppies are omnivores and can be fed a balanced diet of flakes, pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods. They are an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced hobbyists.

Our Tank Parameters:

  • Ph: 7.2-8.2
  • Gh: 8-12
  • Kh: 4-6
  • TDS: 150-200
  • Temp: 72-80
Please Note: All fish shipments have a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping with
Overnight (1 Day) option. All other options void our Live Arrival Guarantee for fish. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What do Double Swordtail Guppies eat?

We feed our fish a mix of frozen, live, and prepared foods including live baby brine and black worms. We also supplement their diet with a mix of Northfin Veggie, Community, and Bug Pro. 

2. What is the ideal tank size for Double Swordtail Guppies?

Double Swordtail Guppies are small fish and can thrive in tanks as small as 10 gallons. However, a larger tank (20 gallons or more) is recommended if you plan to keep multiple guppies or other species.

3. How many Double Swordtail Guppies should I keep together?

It's best to keep at least 3-4 females for every male in your tank to prevent aggression. Guppies are social fish and enjoy the company of their own kind.

4. Are Double Swordtail Guppies good for community tanks?

Yes, Double Swordtail Guppies are peaceful and get along well with other non-aggressive fish. They are an excellent choice for community aquariums with similar-sized species.

5. Do Double Swordtail Guppies breed easily?

Yes, Double Swordtail Guppies are livebearers and breed easily in home aquariums. Female guppies can give birth to several fry every 3-4 weeks, so it's important to have a plan for managing or rehoming the young fish.

6. Can Double Swordtail Guppies live with shrimp?

Yes, Double Swordtail Guppies can live with shrimp, as long as the shrimp are not small enough to be eaten by the guppies. Larger shrimp species like Amano or Cherry Shrimp are good tank mates.

7. Are Double Swordtail Guppies hardy fish?

Yes, Double Swordtail Guppies are relatively hardy and can adapt to a wide range of water conditions. However, like all fish, they will thrive best with regular tank maintenance and a stable environment.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Fantastic shipping. Great packaging and care of fish. The male was beautiful and fully colored up shortly after introduction to my planted tank.

Cute fish

Pretty, alive and doing well