It’s our goal to set a new standard for health & quality of our livestock. This is why we implemented a unique 30-day holding period for our shrimp. Our snails & plants are held until deemed a healthy quality we would want in our own home aquarium. Lastly, we quarantine our fish for a 14-day period to treat multiple illnesses that are common in importing fish.
Animals need stability when being shipped from business to the consumer. Holding our shrimp for 30 days gives them time to rest, eat & be ready for a trip to their new home. Holding our fish for 2 weeks allows us to treat non-visible parasites, illness from poor conditions & stress-related illnesses. Monitoring our snails & plants allow us to observe them for unwanted pests, such as planaria, scuds, leeches & algal growth.
Medication is essential when receiving live animals. So often, we see bags of 400 shrimp, 200 fish, 100 snails, etc. It is obvious these animals are stressed with their shipping conditions and if even one of the 200 was sick, they all could be sick due to exposure. We take the time to diagnose & medicate every animal (if needed) that comes through our doors to ensure they are healthy before leaving. Medication doesn't take a day or two, it can take patience and re-treatment to ensure the animal is healthy.
Although we sell fish and snails, we started as a shrimp focused business. Shrimp typically molt during shipping which is usually caused due to stress. Molting early may not kill the shrimp but it will make the shrimps' next molt much more difficult. Shrimp molt roughly once per 30 days thus our 30 day quarantine was initially an idea to ensure the shrimp would survive their initial molt prior to the customer receiving them. Due to the initial molt being extremely hard on the shrimp, we knew that if the shrimp survived 30 days with us, they would be ready for their new home.
If anything goes wrong, it usually happens during our 30 day holding and quarantine period. As hobbyists, we experience losses over and over again when buying animals that were not quarantined. If anything goes wrong with our live animals, we would rather it happen to us than to our customers. Therefore, our quarantine process for all livestock gives us time to see which animals will make it or which animals will die despite our experience and best efforts to keep them healthy.
We are hobbyist and we want to see the hobby we love grow. If you have questions or need advice, we are here for you.