The Diamond Head Neon Tetra (also known as Blue Diamond Neon Tetra) is a variation of one of the aquarium hobbies most popular schooling fish, the neon tetra. The biggest difference between the two fish is that the Diamond Head does not have a blue strip down it's side. Instead, the Blue Diamond Neon Tetra has a bright blue diamond on it's forehead (between their eyes). Like most tetras, these fish prefer to be kept in schools of 5 or more in order to make them feel the most comfortable.
The Neon Tetra originally came from the streams of South America. By selective breeding, the Blue Diamond Neon Tetra was developed. To replicate their natural habitat, the use of rock work, plants, and driftwood should be included in the aquarium. We would not recommend keeping this fish with shrimp colonies due to the likeliness of the Blue Diamond Neon Tetra eating baby shrimp and potentially picking at adult shrimp.
The scientific name for the Diamond Head Neon Tetra is Paracheirodon innesi var. "Blue Diamond"
We feed our Diamond Head Neon Tetras a mix of frozen foods including daphnia, baby brine, cyclops, and Bloodworms. We also feed a mix of Northfin flake foods, Northfin Community / Veggie pellets and live black worms.
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