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Red Lizard Whiptail Catfish | Rineloricaria

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Are you looking for a unique and beautiful addition to your aquarium? Look no further than the Red Lizard Whiptail! This majestic and captivating catfish species is bred in captivity. The Red Lizard Catfish is an ideal choice for any community aquarium due to their peaceful nature. This species prefers an aquarium with driftwood due to it's diet of biofilm and algae. It will also appreciate veggies and the occasional meaty treat of frozen daphnia. Give your aquarium a unique touch, and add a Red Lizard Whiptail today!

  • Red Lizard Whiptail is bred in captivity, so you can be sure of its quality and health.
  • Create an aquarium that replicates its natural environment with plenty of driftwood for the Red Lizard Whiptail to hide and explore.
  • A peaceful fish that gets along with most other non-aggressive fish and invertebrates, making it ideal for community tanks.
  • Maxing out at a modest 4.5 inches, the Red Lizard Whiptail will fit into any aquarium without taking up too much space.


Please Note: All fish shipments have a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping with Overnight (1 Day) option. All other options void our Live Arrival Guarantee for fish. 

The scientific name for the Red Lizard Whiptail that we import is Rineloricaria sp.

We feed our Whiptail Catfish a mix of NorthFin Veggie and Community. Their main food is NorthFin Kelp Wafers and unsalted green beans. 

Our Tank Parameters:

  • Ph: 7.2 to 7.5
  • Gh: 8 to 16
  • Kh:  4 to 7
  • TDS: 180 to 250
  • Temp: 70 to 74

Tank Recommendations:

  • Leaves: Indian Almond or Guava
  • Wood: Malaysian or Mopani
  • Cones: Alder Cones

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
matthew buchmann
Very healthy

Arrived fast and healthy heat packs worked great first time ordering fish online
Very pleased
Super cool fish

Amanda K.
Fascinating Fish

Just received my Red Lizard Whiptail. He/she is just a baby, but that’s okay, because I can watch it grow out in the tank! Super cool looking fish and looks healthy. I’m excited to have one of these! As always, great shipping. Thanks!

Bill Murphy
Red Lizard Whiptail Catfish

I honestly didn’t know what to expect with this order due to the type of fish BUT he came to me healthy and looking good. He’s been in my 65 gallon community tank now for a few days and is doing great! Once again Flip Aquatics did great!


Greetings and salutations!!!
Hope all is well, I didn’t purchase these from Flip, but I love the YouTube stuff and have purchased other stuff. These I purchased from my LFS, and they are the greatest fish to own, next to the Zebra 🦓 pleco of course. I have 5 in a 40 gallon breeder, all get along, even hang out in groups!!! I got about 200 shrimps in the tank with them, no issues, and my shrimps keep breeding!!! Just wanted to say something, if you’re considering getting the red lizard, don’t, just order it!!! Heck get more than 1, you will not regret it! Just don’t be a d!ck and put them in a 10 gallon tank. Give em some space. Love you Rob… No Homo… peace!!! ✌️

Kim Starr
Red Whiptail

He/she arrived safely and healthy. After putting it in the tank couldn’t find it for a few days, then saw it hanging from my floating plants it seems to be 1 of its favorite spots. I am going to order at least 1 more. Neat fish!