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Clown Killifish | Epiplatys Annulatus

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The Clown Killifish (Epiplatys annulatus), is one of the most colorful nano fish there is. Its stunning color makes it an amazing choice to add to a nano aquarium, even those that house shrimp. Due to its native habitat, it is recommended that tanks have low flow or possibly no flow at all depending on weekly maintenance. 

These fish are great as they are micro-preadators that occupy the top portion of tanks and eat small live foods. The males will have a pointed caudal fin, hence the nickname "Rocket Killifish". Females will have a rounded caudal fin with slightly less vibrant coloration. If breeding these fish is your goal we would recommend a species only tank as other fish will eat the fry.

Please Note: All fish shipments have a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping with FedEx Overnight (1 Day) option. All other options void our Live Arrival Guarantee for fish. 

The Clown Killifish can reach a max length of around 1.5 inches. 

We feed these killifish an exclusive diet of live brine shrimp, frozen daphnia and cyclops.

Our Tank Parameters

  • Ph: 5.0 to 7.5
  • Gh: 8 to 16
  • Kh:  4 to 7
  • TDS: 180 to 250
  • Temp: 68 to 79

Tank Recommendations

  • Plants:Guppy Grass, water sprite, java ferns
  • Wood:Mopani, Malaysian driftwood
  • Substrate:Brightwell Rio Cafe or Rio Escuro

Customer Reviews

Based on 93 reviews
Saul Mendez
Clown killi

Great looking fish, perfect fit for my fluval flex 9. Ive ordered them twice now and they arrived in a timely manner and in good condition

Andre Lang
Healthy Fish!

Healthy vigorous little guys. I'm already seeing breeding activity!

Snigdha Bobba
Female Rocket Killifish

My order came in perfect. The fish were a little pale at first but colored up within half an hour. Good size. They seem very healthy, taking food right away.


Arrived healthy and in perfect shape!

Gorgeous, fun little fish

I ordered the trio of 1M2F, expecting them to be tiny, since most clown/rocket killies aka banded panchax aka annulatus, depending on who you ask, are shipped SUPER small. They're a little bit hard to find, and I've been told that's why. These fish showed up at 1" or so already! I added them to their own heavily-planted tank and they have been doing their killifish thing, which is to say they mostly hang around, and occasionally zoom after each other or after prey/perceived prey. They definitely enjoy live foods but are also happy to take very small food like powdered flake or micron-size foods. They have been showing some spawning behavior so I'm hoping for fry someday soon!