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Diamond Head Neon Tetra (Blue Diamond)

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The Diamond Head Neon Tetra (also known as Blue Diamond Neon Tetra) is a variation of one of the aquarium hobbies most popular schooling fish, the neon tetra. The biggest difference between the two fish is that the Diamond Head does not have a blue strip down it's side. Instead, the Blue Diamond Neon Tetra has a bright blue diamond on it's forehead (between their eyes). Like most tetras, these fish prefer to be kept in schools of 5 or more in order to make them feel the most comfortable.

Please Note: All fish shipments have a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping with Overnight (1 Day) option. All other options void our Live Arrival Guarantee for fish. 

The Neon Tetra originally came from the streams of South America. By selective breeding, the Blue Diamond Neon Tetra was developed. To replicate their natural habitat, the use of rock work, plants, and driftwood should be included in the aquarium. We would not recommend keeping this fish with shrimp colonies due to the likeliness of the Blue Diamond Neon Tetra eating baby shrimp and potentially picking at adult shrimp.

The scientific name for the  Diamond Head Neon Tetra is Paracheirodon innesi var. "Blue Diamond"

We feed our Diamond Head Neon Tetras a mix of frozen foods including daphnia, baby brine, cyclops, and Bloodworms. We also feed a mix of Northfin flake foods, Northfin Community / Veggie pellets and live black worms. 

Our Tank Parameters

  • Ph: 7.2 to 7.8
  • Gh: 6 to 12
  • Kh:  2 to 6
  • TDS: 120 to 200
  • Temp: 72 to 86

Tank Recommendations

  • Leaves: Indian Almond or Guava
  • Wood: Mopani or Malaysian
  • Cones: Alder Cones
  • Other: Buffered substrate to lower pH, not required
  • Live Plants: Any tall plants would work to make them feel safe

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Jacquelyn Post
Real Beauties

These are stunning fish...almost iridescent in the water. They school together beautifully. I purchased a group of 4 regular and then 2 long finned (which were a little bit larger). They all swim together in the tank. The long finned were more money and for the effect I would purchase the group for much less. They are just as beautiful in the tank as a group and show off better that way.


Love these Diamond Head Tetras! Beautiful, hearty, fun little fish! Highly recommend and will be getting more in the future!!


Amazing guy! He joined my neons right away. super healthy when arrived

Eye Catching

All arrived in perfect condition and are still thriving. Beautiful addition to the tank.

Very healthy, great quality fish

I ordered 11 of these beautiful diamond head neon tetras and was sent 13. They arrived quickly, and 7 days later they all have great color, they look very healthy and are eating well. I did lose one fish, which arrived in a weak state and unfortunately passed the day after arrival - it looked like swim bladder troubles. The other 12 are going strong.