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Glolight Danio | Danio Choprae

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The Glolight Danio has a slightly deceptive name within the hobby since the introduction of the Glofish, without seeing this fish in person one might attribute it to that group of fish. Instead it is a naturally occurring Danio species from Southeast Asia. It is one of the more unique and colorful Danio species that we have had come through Flip Aquatic's displaying yellow and red striping against a grey / silver body. The fish will generally ship at a size of an inch to 1.5 inches.

Please Note: All fish shipments have a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping with Overnight (1 Day) option. All other options void our Live Arrival Guarantee for fish. 

The Glolight Danio is a relatively peaceful species that should be kept in schools of 6 or more to make them comfortable in the aquarium. The Glolight Danio is accepting of nearly any water parameter which can make it a great addition to almost any aquarium. 

The scientific name for the Glolight Danio is Celestichthys choprae

Our Danios eat twice per day. In the mornings, they receive NorthFin Flake and mixed Pellets. In the evenings, they get live foods: daphnia and live baby brine shrimp. 

Specific Foods List:

Northfin Community Flake 
Northfin Bug Pro
Northfin Community
Northfin Veggie
Live Daphnia
Live Baby Brine

Our Tank Parameters

  • Ph: 6.8 to 7.2
  • Gh: 4 to 8
  • Kh:  2 to 4
  • Temp: 72 to 80

Tank Recommendations

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 18 reviews
    Darryl Claro

    All arrived alive and were packaged well. I'm glad they separated it into two bags. My tank has never been more full of life and color in a while. I had 4 at fitst, so I'm glad I added more. They are healthy, and I love watching them use up every space of the 40 breeder. Will order more when the numbers go down as they age, hopefully after many years.

    Otto Maki
    Very lively!

    Arrived early and in great condition!

    Philip Blatt
    Yo Yo Danio

    Very active schooling amongst themselves, white clouds and orange finned danios. Colored up quickly and settled in nicely. So far all my orders from Flip have been awesome!

    Delightful Danios

    Wanted small, colorful fish that inhabited the upper portions of the water for my community tank and these little guys exceeded my wildest expectations. Ordered 6 and received 7. All healthy and very active. They are so pretty - both male and females have gorgeous array of colors - and seeing them dart around the “open water” of the tank as a school with neon orange flashes of color really is something.

    Paulette Gang

    Glolight Danio