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Rummy Nose Rasbora

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Introducing the Rummy Nose Rasbora - A Stunning Addition to Your Nano Tank!

Experience the beauty of the Rummy Nose Rasbora (Sawbwa Resplendens) also known as the Naked Micro Rasbora. They are a captivating Rasbora species with pale blue bodies and reddish orange faces and fins. Rummy Nose Rasboras are exquisite fish make a perfect addition to any nano tank, showcasing their vibrant colors and graceful demeanor. Rummy Nose Rasboras are best kept in groups of at least 6 fish, these schooling species thrive in larger groups of 20-30 specimens or alongside similarly sized and temperament fish for added comfort. Please note that females will have lesser coloring than the males pictured. 

With their peaceful nature and flashy appearance, the Rummy Nose Rasbora is a delightful choice for tropical freshwater enthusiasts. Rummy Nose Rasboras thrive when housed with fellow peaceful tankmates and flourish in groups of ten or more. Active swimmers, they bring life and vitality to your aquarium, showcasing their fun personality. With proper care and attention, Rummy Nose Rasboras can live up to four years, providing endless joy.

Keeping Rummy Nose Rasboras is relatively straightforward with the right setup. Provide them with a well-planted aquarium that includes shaded areas to mimic their natural environment. Originating from the mountain lake of Inlé and the associated watershed in eastern Myanmar, the Rummy Nose Rasbora appreciate shallow water with floating plants, dense vegetation, and a darker substrate. Creating breaks in the line of sight will help keep your Rasboras content and comfortable.

At our establishment, we prioritize the health of our fish. Choose the Overnight (1 Day) shipping option to benefit from our 100% Live Arrival Guarantee, ensuring your Rummy Nose Rasboras arrive in optimal condition.
*Requests for gender specific ratios can be made by emailing us, otherwise our team will fulfill the order with whatever is available at that time which could be all males, all females, or a mix.

What do Rummy Nose Rasboras Eat?

Feeding Rummy Nose Rasboras is a delight. Being naturally omnivorous, they enjoy a diet of small live foods such as baby brine, Daphnia, Blackworms, Bloodworms, and scuds. To ensure a balanced and nutritious diet, we supplement their meals with a mix of Northfin Veggie, Community, and Bug Pro.

Our Tank Parameters

  • Ph:7.2 to 7.5
  • Gh: 8 to 16
  • Kh: 4 to 7
  • TDS: 180 to 250
  • Temp: 72 to 80

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 10 reviews
      Jarvis Bennett
      Rummy nose rasboras

      They all came in healthy. Happy with them and after quarantine they are going in my 125 with my other nano fish. I will definitely order again great job!

      Incredibly healthy and active little fish!

      I ordered 16 Naked Micro Rasboras, and they came in healthy, and good sized. Flip also gave me a great male to female ratio of 5/11. The boys are stunning, and the first morning I had them in my 29 gallon community tank, they were spawning the entire morning and into the afternoon! A big thanks to Shalin for packing these outstanding little nano fish!

      Another great Flip haul!

      All of my Rummynose Rasbora arrived alive and thriving! Ordered 8 received 9 quality fish with a perfect male to female ratio! Thanks again Flip Aquatics!!

      Stephen Chowaniec

      Excellent shipping. Best packing from any company ive purchased from. Bravo.

      David Beasley

      Everyone arrived in great condition and healthy, couldn't ask for more!