Whether you're breeding top quality shrimp and snails, or you're keeping your inverts as part of your community, you definitely want the healthiest bottom dwellers possible. KatsAquatics tablets not only supply them with calcium they want so dearly, but dozens of other essential vitamins and minerals such as : Vitamins A, C, K1, B6, iron, and phosphorous for optimal nutrition.
What animals eat them?
The nutrition tablets are perfect for breeding colonies, and provide ample vitamins and minerals for baby shrimp and snails, as well as full grown adults. With two different types of calcium in one jar, you can ensure your crustaceans have a varied, and complete diet.
What Calcium + Immunity Prevent?
The aquarium hobby was meant to be enjoyable for everybody! That means you, and all of your aquatic pets. We have to stop the ongoing care deprivation of our scavenging critters. Don't be the hobbyists who starve their shrimp or snails - they are just as important as your "showcase" fish. Without their optimal health, your entire fish tank ecosystem will feel the effects too.
How is Calcium + Immunity special?
We have specially extrapolated pumpkin to be the next addition to our collection because of its impressive nutritional value, health benefits, and of course, tastiness for crustaceans.
As always, all of our products are made with fresh, natural ingredients. We never include any artificial fillers, preservatives, or colors. "
Ingredients: Calcium Carbonate, Pumpkin, Carrots, Water, Wheat, Garlic, Egg Yolk.
Size: 1.5oz
Product weights vary slightly due to density of vegetables used within formula, though size of jars and relative quantity of chips remains unchanged