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Black Phantom Tetra

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Introducing the Black Phantom Tetra: A Beautiful Addition to Community Aquariums

Discover the allure of the Black Phantom Tetra, Hyphessobrycon megalopterus, named for its striking dark "eye patch." With its smoky iridescent body and elegant feathery fins, this tropical fish captivates aquarists seeking unique markings and a glittery sheen.

Peaceful Freshwater Species: Black Phantom Tetras are peaceful inhabitants that occupy the middle layer of the tank. They exhibit natural social behavior and thrive in large schools, often numbering in the thousands in the wild. For a thriving community, keep them in mixed-sex groups of eight or more alongside non-predatory species. Avoid pairing with slow swimmers as they tend to overeat.

Suited for All Aquarists: These tetras are beginner-friendly, growing up to 2 inches and surprisingly hardy. While they are naturally resilient, they can be sensitive to water condition changes. Witness their active swimming behaviors and fascinating mock fight displays between territorial males, which quickly resolve without harm.

Optimal Aquarium Conditions: Originating from northern Paraguay, Black Phantom Tetras prefer still and slow-moving water. Mimic their natural habitat by maintaining highly oxygenated tank water with a gentle current. Use sand or gravel substrates and provide floating plants, branches, and dense vegetation for hiding spots.

Balanced Diet for Vibrant Health: As omnivores, Black Phantom Tetras primarily feed on small invertebrates, crustacea, algae, and fruit. At our facility, we ensure a nutritious diet by offering a mix of live foods, including live baby brine shrimp, blackworms, bloodworms, and Daphnia. We supplement their meals with Northfin Veggie, Community, and Bug Pro to provide a balanced and wholesome diet.

Embrace the elegance of the Black Phantom Tetra as it adds beauty to your community aquarium. With their unique markings and shimmering appearance, these tetras create a captivating underwater display. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced aquarist, these peaceful and hardy fish will thrive under proper care. Enjoy observing their social interactions and be mesmerized by their natural charm.

Live Arrival Guarantee: We guarantee 100% Live Arrival for all fish shipments when shipped via FedEx Overnight (1 Day) option. Please note that selecting other shipping methods voids our Live Arrival Guarantee for fish.

Our Tank Parameters for Tetras

  • Ph: 7.2 to 7.5
  • Gh: 8 to 16
  • Kh:  4 to 7
  • TDS: 180 to 250
  • Temp: 70 to 74

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews

Nice healthy fish

Stephen Hensley
Black phantom tetras

I ordered 6 and received an extra one as well. All are do very well through the first week. This is my first experience with this species of tetra and I think they are very beautiful. They are also very outgoing and eat well which is nice since some tetras can be timid. They are getting along well in a 20 gallon aquarium with 4 corys and 2 mollies and seem happy and peaceful.

Phillip McFall
The photo is good but can never do these justice.

Three very healthy males arrived in my order. Their coloration, an intense velvet-grey with inky black fins and side markings edged in electric-blue, was pleasantly surprising. I ordered a second group which included females and now all of them are in full coloration, darker and more intense than before. Like ninjas, these Black Phantoms have an elegant, almost sinister look and loads of presence.

Casey Sheriff
Black phantom tetra

Great fish , perfect 👍

Judy Delano
Black Phantom Tetra

They are so little and they school together all the time. I love them!