Alright, so I'm no expert here. I've only kept aquariums for about 4 years now. I've bought Almond leaves from a few places, all with about the same results. Toss 2 or 3 leaves into your 20 gallon and you're good! Mostly clear water with a bit of tinge.
Well not with these! You throw 1 leaf Into your 20, go to bed, wake up and BOOM, you're convinced your kids poured cola into your tank. Like can't see anything even with the light.
These things are L O A D E D with tannins
All my wet pets are fine, but I'm about to rip out all 2 feet of my hair here.
If I ever need botanical again, I'm coming here. Shipping took like 2 weeks, but what's the rush, they're already dead! Was worried at first, but reached out and Amanda gave a quick and reassuring response