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Luminous White Guppy | Poecilia Reticulatus

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Luminous White Guppy

The Luminous White Guppy is a freshwater guppy species, perfect for community tanks. Luminous White Guppies have a shimmering white body and tail. They have long, flowing tails that add a bit of movement to any aquarium. 

The Luminous White Guppies are peaceful and thrive in community tanks. They do really well in tanks with other non-aggressive species. Luminous White Guppies are great choice for beginners and more seasoned aquarists. 

Our Tank Parameters:

  • Ph: 7.2-8.2
  • Gh: 8-12
  • Kh: 4-6
  • TDS: 150-200
  • Temp: 72-80
Please Note: All fish shipments have a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping with
Overnight (1 Day) option. All other options void our Live Arrival Guarantee for fish. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How big do Luminous White Guppies get?

Luminous White Guppies typically grow to about 1.5 to 2 inches in length, making them an excellent choice for small to medium-sized aquariums.

2. What tank size is best for Luminous White Guppies?

A 5-gallon tank can accommodate a small group, but a 10-gallon or larger tank is recommended to give them ample space for swimming and thriving.

3. Are Luminous White Guppies peaceful fish?

Yes, Luminous White Guppies are peaceful and do well in community tanks. They get along with other small, non-aggressive species such as tetras, Corydoras, and rasboras.

4. What should I feed my Luminous White Guppies?

These guppies are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet. Offer high-quality flake food or micro pellets, supplemented with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms to enhance their striking colors.

5. Do Luminous White Guppies breed easily?

Yes, Luminous White Guppies are livebearers and breed readily in aquariums. When males and females are kept together, you may quickly find fry appearing in your tank.

6. Can I keep Luminous White Guppies with other guppy varieties?

Yes, Luminous White Guppies coexist peacefully with other guppy varieties. However, if you want to maintain specific traits, consider separating them to avoid crossbreeding.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Amanda Loitsch

Beautiful and healthy fish.

Dennis randash
Adding to Britten up my tank

What a beautiful fish and a great add to my tank.

Kyle LaFountain
Pretty Fish

Beautiful fish just wish I could have gotten a pair

Maureen Bryant
Luminous white suppy

I ordered two. Beautiful fish. Unfortunately, one of them died within two days. The other one is doing well.