The Licorice Gourami is an absolute stunning addition to any nano fish tank. They are one of the most colorful nano fish that one can find. The Licorice Gourami is an extremely peaceful and timid fish. It has brilliant blue and dark brown fins with a cream-colored horizontal body striping. Under the right lighting, they display some amazing colors. They prefer heavily planted tanks as they are originally found in blackwater swamps and ditches in Bangka, Indonesia.
The Licorice Gourami will reach a max length of 1.5 inches. They are accustom to shallow water with lots of vegetation. They prefer a planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots.
The scientific name for Licorice Gouramis is Parosphromenus deissneri.
We feed our Licorice Gourami's live baby brine. They require a meaty food while prefer live foods such as black worms or baby brine. These fish can be rather picky with their diet and don't do well with dry foods.
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