What we feed Guppies
We feed our fish a mix of frozen, live, and prepared foods including live baby brine and black worms. We also supplement their diet with a mix of Northfin Veggie, Community, and Bug Pro.
What size tank do Tiger Guppies need?
Tiger Guppies are small fish, usually growing up to 2 inches (5 cm). A 10-gallon tank is typically sufficient for a small group of guppies, but larger tanks are always better for maintaining water quality and giving them space to swim. They thrive in tanks with plants, caves, and swimming areas.
What do Tiger Guppies eat?
Tiger Guppies are omnivores, so they can eat a variety of foods. A diet of high-quality flake food or pellets works well. They also enjoy occasional live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. A varied diet helps maintain their health and vibrant colors.
Can Tiger Guppies live with other fish?
Yes, Tiger Guppies are peaceful fish and make excellent additions to community tanks. They do well with other small, non-aggressive species like tetras, corydoras, and peaceful rasboras. Avoid keeping them with larger, more aggressive fish that might harass them.
Do Tiger Guppies breed easily?
Yes, like other guppies, Tiger Guppies are livebearers and breed easily in the right conditions. Female guppies can give birth to dozens of fry every few weeks. If you're not looking to breed, consider keeping only males or using a breeding trap to control the population.
How do I care for baby Tiger Guppies?
Baby guppies, or fry, are very small and should be kept in a separate tank or a breeding box to protect them from adult fish. They can be fed finely crushed flakes or baby brine shrimp until they grow large enough to join the main tank.