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Tiger Endler

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Tiger Endler

The Tiger Endler or Poecilia Wingei  is famous for its neon yellow coloring and intricate patterns. Similar to a common guppy, this yellow Endler only grows to between one and two inches making it ideal for nano aquariums, however be mindful of mixed-sex groups as they are prolific breeders!

Who Is The Tiger Endler Suited For?

The Tiger Endler is suited for beginner and experienced aquarists thanks to their hardy nature, friendly temperament, and ease of care. Small and conveniently sized, they can thrive in both small and large tanks and are safe to pair with other peaceful fish - their floaty tail can be a target for nipping fish so be sure to avoid these types.

What are Tiger Endlers like?

Endlers are highly active, friendly fish who love to investigate their surroundings and could disturb other docile tankmates. Their inquisitive nature and active lifestyle make them fun to observe and enjoyable to keep. The Tiger Endler is best kept with groups as a naturally schooling fish and looks particularly impressive when swimming as a unit thanks to their vibrant colors.

The Ideal Aquarium Conditions For A Tiger Endler

Native to South America, the Tiger Endler prefers a heavily planted aquarium with a sandy substrate filled with lush flora and floating plants to provide comfortable hiding spots. Endlers typically occupy the top level of the tank but enjoy swimming in the open water, so provide enough space for activity. Endlers aren’t afraid to jump, so be sure to fit a tight lid in case they decide to escape.

Please Note: All fish shipments have a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping with FedEx Overnight (1 Day) option. All other options void our Live Arrival Guarantee for fish. 

What we feed Endlers

We feed our fish a mix of frozen, live and prepared foods including live baby brine and black worms. We also supplement their diet with a mix of Northfin Veggie, Community and Bug Pro. 

Our Tank Parameters for Endlers

  • Ph: 6.5 to 7.8
  • Gh: 6 to 18
  • Kh:  2 to 6
  • TDS: 100 to 200
  • Temp: 72 to 80

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 10 reviews

    All 12 Tiger Endlers arrived healthy and energetic. All 20 shrimp and 9 snails I ordered were in great condition too. Everyone looks great. I’ll continue to keep ordering from Flip.

    Joseph Settipane
    Beautiful fish!

    Just received, they are acclimating nicely! Thank you again Flip Aquatics!

    Shiny happy fish

    I got 11 of these guys to be company for the 3 I already had. They arrived nice and cozy with their heat pack in spite of the almost freezing weather. They were all robust, active, and colored up almost immediately upon going into their new tank. Gorgeous little fish!

    Brian Ertz

    Happy with the fish

    Diane Gurley
    Tiger Endler

    My TWO orders of endlers arrived safe and sound. Within hours in their quarantine tank they were all showing beautiful colors. I've ordered over 60+ nano fish from FLIP. All happily swimming in various tanks in my fish room. NO health issues at all. I only order from FLIP.