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Luminous Cobra Guppy

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Luminous Cobra Guppy

The Luminous Cobra Guppy is a vibrant and active species that thrives in community tanks. Known for its unique coloration and cobra-like pattern, this fish is perfect for both beginner and experienced aquarists. The Luminous Cobra Guppy is a peaceful species that gets along well with other non-aggressive fish in a well-maintained aquarium.

The Luminous Cobra Guppy enjoys both planted and open swimming spaces, making it suitable for a variety of tank setups. Be sure to keep the water clean and perform regular water changes to ensure the health and well-being of your guppies.

Our Tank Parameters:

  • Ph: 7.2-8.2
  • Gh: 8-12
  • Kh: 4-6
  • TDS: 150-200
  • Temp: 72-80
Please Note: All fish shipments have a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping with
Overnight (1 Day) option. All other options void our Live Arrival Guarantee for fish. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What does the Luminous Cobra Guppy eat?

We feed our fish a mix of frozen, live and prepared foods including live baby brine and black worms. We also supplement their diet with a mix of Northfin Veggie, Community and Bug Pro. 

2. Can Luminous Cobra Guppies live with other fish?

Yes, Luminous Cobra Guppies are peaceful and social fish. They do well in community tanks with other non-aggressive species, such as tetras, mollies, and other livebearers. However, avoid keeping them with larger, aggressive fish that might harm them.

3. How often should I feed my Luminous Cobra Guppies?

Feed your guppies small amounts of food 2-3 times a day. It's important to avoid overfeeding, as uneaten food can pollute the water. Only offer enough food that they can consume in 2-3 minutes.

4. Are Luminous Cobra Guppies easy to breed?

Yes, Luminous Cobra Guppies are livebearers, meaning they give birth to free-swimming fry. Breeding is relatively simple in a tank with a mix of males and females. Ensure there is plenty of plant cover to give the fry a safe place to hide from adult fish.

5. How big do Luminous Cobra Guppies get?

Luminous Cobra Guppies typically grow to about 1.5 to 2 inches (3.8 to 5 cm) in length. Males tend to be slightly smaller than females and are more colorful.

6. How long do Luminous Cobra Guppies live?

With proper care, Luminous Cobra Guppies can live for 2 to 3 years. Keeping them in stable water conditions and providing them with a proper diet will help ensure a long, healthy life.

7. Do Luminous Cobra Guppies need special lighting?

No, Luminous Cobra Guppies do not require special lighting. However, a gentle lighting setup that mimics their natural environment can help bring out their colors. It's best to avoid overly bright lights, as this can cause stress.

8. Can Luminous Cobra Guppies live in a planted tank?

Yes, Luminous Cobra Guppies do well in planted tanks. Live plants provide hiding spaces for fry and help maintain water quality by absorbing excess nutrients. Ensure that the plants don't overcrowd the tank, leaving enough swimming space for the fish.

9. What should I do if my Luminous Cobra Guppy is sick?

If your guppy appears sick, it's important to isolate it in a quarantine tank to prevent the spread of any potential disease. Monitor water parameters carefully, check for signs of illness like lethargy, discoloration, or bloating, and seek advice from an experienced aquarist or a veterinarian specializing in fish care.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 7 reviews
    mark b


    Good guppies.

    I ordered the unsexed juvenile luminous cobras. They came in way bigger than I expected, super healthy, no DOAs, and a good ratio of males to females. They were very safely packed. Shipped quickly. Very happy with my purchase.

    Lauren Marmaduke
    Luminous Cobra

    Photos really don’t do this guy justice, he is a shimmering swimming rainbow. Loves swimming up to the glass to say hello.

    Peggy Dunaway
    Awesome fish

    Fast delivery, love the fish no problems at all with this order very happy

    Deanna Ferguson
    Really pretty fish

    I ordered a pair and they arrived healthy and active. They are young and their colors are still developing, but it seems like they get prettier every day.