Our USA Bred Dumbo-Eared Red Brown Mosaic Guppy have a great mix of colors. As the pictures show, there is a unique mixture of Reds, White, and Black. Their Dorsals are huge, many times draped over the male's body. These guppies will add beauty and color to any aquarium. They are easy to care for, they make for the perfect addition to any aquarium.
For whom is the Dumbo-Eared Red Brown Mosaic Guppy suited?
These guppies are peaceful and easy to care for. They are the ideal fish for beginners and community aquariums and are a real eye-catcher thanks to their vibrant colors.
What are they like?
As mentioned above, these freshwater guppies are incredibly peaceful and are great for keeping in larger aquariums with other peaceful fish species. In densely planted aquariums, the fish quickly feel very comfortable, and because they are omnivores, they can easily cohabitate the aquarium with other fish that may have slightly more specific nutritional requirements.
The ideal conditions for the Dumbo-Eared Red Brown Mosaic Guppy
Guppies thrive in planted tanks low to moderate flowing water. As livebearers they do well in mixed sexed groups although they will eat their young if given the chance. Be sure to provide areas of cover for offspring using floating plants, botanicals such as Indian Almond leaves and rock or wood structures.
What we feed Guppies
Guppies are natural omnivores and should be fed a varied diet through prepared, live, and frozen foods. We feed them with a mix live foods such as baby brine, Daphnia, Bloodworms, Blackworms, scuds, and also Northfin Veggie, Community, and Bug Pro prepared foods to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet.
Our Tank Parameters