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Bumblebee Goby | Brachygobius doriae

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Bumblebee Goby

The captivating Brachygobius doriae, also known as the Bumblebee Goby, a mesmerizing addition to any freshwater aquarium. With its striking black and yellow stripes reminiscent of a bumblebee, this diminutive fish adds a burst of color and personality to your aquatic environment. Measuring only up to 1.5 inches in length, the Bumblebee Goby is perfect for nano tanks, bringing life and vibrancy to even the smallest of spaces. Its peaceful demeanor makes it an ideal inhabitant for community tanks, cohabitating harmoniously with a variety of other non-aggressive species.

With its low-maintenance requirements and striking appearance, the Brachygobius doriae makes an excellent choice for hobbyists looking to diversify their aquarium collection. Its adaptable nature allows it to thrive in a wide range of water parameters, making it suitable for beginners mastering the art of aquarium care. Additionally, the Bumblebee Goby's small size makes it an excellent choice for aquarists with limited space, such as desktop or office tanks. 

Please Note: All fish shipments have a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping with Overnight (1 Day) option. All other options void our Live Arrival Guarantee for fish. 

What we feed our Gobies
We feed a mix of fresh vegetables and Northfin Veggie, Community, Bug Pro, and Northfin Kelp Wafers to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet.We also feed our Gobys prepared algae wafers and let them graze on natural algae and bio-film. This can be supplemented by using Bacter A.E. which can be found by clicking here.

Our Tank Parameters

  • Ph: 5.5 to 7
  • Gh: 8 to 16
  • Kh: 4 to 8
  • TDS: 180 to 250
  • Temp: 70 to 74

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Mariana Murillo

I ordered two Bumblebee Gobies and they all looked healthy and it’s been a few days since I got them and they still look healthy

Michael Bryan
Bumblebee Goby Pair

Both arrived healthy and in great spirits, it’s been about 2 weeks since the purchase and they’ve been thriving in my 40 gallon breeder. Definitely thinking about adding more.


This guys are so adorable!

Jonathan Quinn

Beautiful fish. Arrived alive and healthy. This was my 5th order from Flip

Amber Millwee
Grouchy gobies

I love all kinds of gobies and their wonderfully grouchy faces. I ordered 3 for my community tank, and they are doing great! They're a wonderful contrast to the endlers and female bettas I have in there, and they seem to be thriving.