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3 Assorted Nerite Snails

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Nerite snails

Nerite snails are one of the best algae eating animal you can find for an aquarium. They are also known as Neritina natalensis. The snails we ship are adult size ranging from .5-1.5 inches in diameter, and range in colors and patterns.

Background and Key Benefits

Nerite snails or Neritina natalensis are freshwater snails related to the mollusk family. They are from the East coast of Africa and are found in rivers and streams. These snails come in a variety of colors and patterns including Zebra, Leopard, Helmet, and Olive. Nerite snails are common in the aquarium hobby as they are excellent algae eaters.

Due to the variety of these, the type in every pack will vary, and is not guaranteed to look exactly like the photos.

Nerite snails are efficient algae eaters

They will clean algae from glass, substrate, and décor. Another reason nerite snails are so popular in the aquarium hobby is because they do not reproduce in freshwater. In the wild, these snails return to brackish water to breed and the baby snails require brackish water for early stages of growth. Therefore, Nerite snails will not overpopulate in an aquarium.

Along with serving practical purposes in the aquarium, the snails have beautiful shells and they are fun to watch. If you look at your glass closely after adding them, you will see the tiny track marks these snails make as they graze on algae!

We keep these snails on pool-filtered sand and in bare-bottom tanks with Matten filters. We feed Shrimp King Algae Pops and Shrimp King Snail Stixx along with Indian Almond Leaves for natural biofilm. We also use LED lighting to provide enough natural algae growth for them to feed. 

Please note: During shipping, snails sometimes go into a hibernation-like state and may not become fully active for up to a week once acclimated to your aquarium. 


Nerite Snail Tank Parameters

  • Ph: 7.2 to 8.5
  • Gh: 7 to 15
  • Kh:  2 to 8
  • TDS: 120 to 400
  • Temp: 68 to 78

Nerite Snail Tank Equipment

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Renea Sabial
Nerite snails

Very healthy little snails. After adjusting, they went right to work.

Alec Johnson
Live and Kicking

Ordered a bunch of nerite snails, go them acclimated and they went straight to working cleaning my tank walls.

Jane Lowers
Snails got straight to work

I purchased a three-pack of nerites for a new 40-gallon set-up. The snails arrived in excellent shape with a bonus fourth and immediately got busy with the start-up algae bloom. They're a nice mix of batik and racer stripe and absolutely brilliant gardeners.

Nerites going strong!

I ordered three assorted snails and received four…two zebras and two onion I believe, so it’s nice to see different patterns! These join a 3 year old zebra from a previous Flip order so I’m hoping to see such hardiness from this group. They are all moving around the tank well four days in.

Ken Schultz
My Nerite Snail Order

Snails arrived in great shape and busy doing their thing.