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African Dwarf Frog | Hymenochirus Boettgeri

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The African Dwarf Frog (Hymenochirus boettgeri) is a small, aquatic frog species native to the freshwater regions of Central Africa. These charming amphibians are highly sought after for their peaceful nature, easy care, and delightful presence in aquatic environments. Known for their small size and gentle disposition, they make wonderful additions to community aquariums.


  • Size: Typically ranging from 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 3.8 cm) in length
  • Lifespan: 5-7 years on average, with proper care
  • Habitat: Thrives in freshwater aquariums with ample hiding spots and gentle filtration
  • Behavior: Peaceful and social creatures, best kept in small groups
  • Diet: Omnivorous; feeds on small live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and commercial frog pellets
  • Care Level: Beginner-friendly and relatively low-maintenance

    Our Guarantee: Setting the Standard

    • 100% Live Arrival Guarantee - More Information
    • 14+ Day Holding Period prior to listing for sale - More Information
    • Treatment for Internal / External Parasite, Ick and Bacterial Infections prior to selling to ensure Healthy Animals
    • Hand inspected for quality and health prior to shipping
    • We will always put the animals first and our customers second

    Our Tank Parameters

    • Ph: 6.5 to 7.5
    • Gh: 6 to 15
    • Kh:  2 to 5
    • TDS: 100 to 200
    • Temp: 70 to 78

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 6 reviews
      Susan Queen
      Great little frogs!

      Arrived healthy despite a weather delay, eating like pigs and doing great.

      Jamie Ritter
      Great Source for Aquatic Life!

      We ordered a 2nd ADF for our existing, and the frog was delivered healthy and happy! I wasn't expecting the frog to be so little, but we covered the filter for now so there's no worry of him getting sucked in there! LOL! They are thriving in their tank together, and the additional items (snails & plants) were great and healthy as well! The driftwood was overpriced for what we received in my opinion though... not quite as ornate as the picture on the site.

      Kim Pike
      Bosco's a Boss!

      Love Love Love the little guys!

      In great health

      My African dwarf frogs were packed well for shipping, thank you Shalin, and arrived healthy. They are almost always hanging out together, are doing great, and quickly learning when the sun comes up fully and I tap on the tank it is time to eat! One thing I can say is I was so shocked at how tiny they are. I had a heavily planted 10 gallon ready for them and put them in after acclimating them but it was so hard to find them when it was time to eat or any other time so I switched them and my betta who was in a 5.5 gallon also well planted but not quite so heavily planted tank. They are in the tank with a mystery snail and they are doing great!

      Emily Parish
      Very healthy

      Health and hungry. My main concern is animals ability to eat and this little one had no issues