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What's The Most Popular Shrimp

by Emily Dourm May 17, 2024 2 min read

What's The Most Popular Shrimp

If you’re newer to the shrimp-keeping hobby or are an experienced aquarist you may have heard of these two shrimp that are the most popular in the hobby, Cherry Shrimp and Amano Shrimp. Now what makes these shrimp the most popular? There are several reasons from adaptability while starting out all the way to the functionality of algae control, let's delve into more!


Both cherry shrimp and Amano shrimp are known for their hardiness and adaptability to a wide range of water parameters. They can tolerate a variety of water conditions, which makes them suitable for beginners and experienced aquarists alike.


Algae Control

Amano shrimp are particularly valued for their appetite for algae. They are voracious algae eaters and can help keep aquariums clean by grazing on algae growth, making them popular choices for planted tanks where algae can be a nuisance.


Color Variations

 Although amano shrimp often display clear body coloration that can change during breeding to different hues of red, blue, and green. Cherry shrimp on the other hand despite their name in low grades can also be relatively clear however as previously mentioned there are different grades. 

    • Cherry shrimp in general refers to the lowest grade of Red Neocaridina aquarium shrimp. Regular cherry shrimp are generally pretty clear.
    • Sakura cherry shrimp are a more intense red color. While still possessing clear patches, Sakura shrimp are more solid in color than regular cherry shrimp.
    • Fire red shrimp is the next grade and refers to shrimp that are completely red. Painted Fire Red shrimp are the last and highest grade.
    • Painted fire-red shrimp are completely solid in color and have no transparent patches. Painted fire red shrimp usually have red legs as well. 

Both cherry shrimp and Amano shrimp are generally peaceful and compatible with a wide range of tankmates, including small nano fish, snails, and others. This makes them suitable for community aquariums and planted tanks.
  • Cherry shrimp and Amano shrimp are widely available making them easily accessible to hobbyists. They are often sold online, and their relatively low cost makes them an attractive option for newcomers to the hobby.

Overall, the combination of hardiness, algae controlcapabilities, color variations, compatibility, and availability makes cherry shrimp and Amano shrimp popular choices for both beginner and experienced shrimp keepers in the hobby.

Emily Dourm
Emily Dourm

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