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Species Spotlight : Red Rili Shrimp

by Emily Dourm February 23, 2024 2 min read

Species Spotlight : Red Rili Shrimp

Red Rili Shrimp:
A Splash of Color in Your Aquarium

Are you looking to add a burst of color to your aquarium? Meet the Red Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. "Red Rili") – a captivating and vibrant species that can transform your aquatic world. In this blog post, we'll dive into the fascinating world of Red Rili Shrimp, exploring their unique characteristics, care requirements, and the joy they bring to aquarium enthusiasts.

Appearance and Distinctive Features:

Red Rili Shrimp are a striking variation of the popular Neocaridina species. What sets them apart is their eye-catching coloration – a brilliant red hue. The unique feature that gives them their name is the distinct "rili" pattern, a clear or white stripe running down their backs or through their midsection, that was produced as a color morph of the  cherry shrimp. It was developed around 2010and has since been stabilized

Tank Setup and Water Parameters:

Creating an optimal environment for Red Rili Shrimp involves paying attention to a few key factors. They thrive in aquariums with stable water parameters, ideally maintaining a temperature range of68°F to 72°F and a pH level between7.0 to 7.6. A well-filtered tank with ample hiding places and live plants will provide the perfect habitat for these colorful crustaceans.

Diet and Feeding Habits:

Red Rili Shrimp are not demanding eaters, making them a great choice for beginners. They enjoy a varied diet that includesNorthFin Veggie,  Community food,  Bug pro and  Kelp Wafters. Adding a supplement of biofilm or algae in the tank ensures they have a continuous source of natural food.

Breeding and Reproduction:

One of the fascinating aspects of Red Rili Shrimp is their prolific breeding behavior. Given the right conditions, these shrimp reproduce readily, adding even more pops of red to your aquarium. Ensure a well-established tank with proper hiding spots for the newborns to thrive.

Compatibility and Tank Mates:

Red Rili Shrimp are generally peaceful and can coexist with other non-aggressive tank mates. However, it's advisable to avoid housing them with larger or more aggressive species that might pose a threat to these small and delicate creatures. Compatible tank mates include other Neocaridina shrimp, nano fish like micro rasboras, pygmy cories, some plecos, or snails.

Red Rili Shrimp brings a splash of color and vibrancy to any aquarium. Their distinct appearance, ease of care, and prolific breeding habits make them a favorite among shrimp enthusiasts. Consider welcoming these lively crustaceans into your aquatic haven and watch as your tank comes alive with the brilliance of Red Rili Shrimp.

Emily Dourm
Emily Dourm

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