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Maximizing Shrimp Keeping Success with Matten Filters: A Comprehensive Guide

by Emily Dourm February 16, 2024 2 min read

Maximizing Shrimp Keeping Success with Matten Filters: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’ve watched our videos you’ve probably noticed a Matten filter at some
point. That’s because we believe that Matten Filters stand as the pinnacle of
filtration for freshwater shrimp keeping and breeding, but that wasn’t always
the case. Rob often tells the story of a friend of his who had successfully bred
thousands of cherry shrimp. He was racking his brain as to how he was
successfully breeding so many shrimp and he realized it was the miracle of
the Matten Filter! Our recent endeavors with these filters have unveiled a
multitude of benefits, solidifying their status as the best choice for shrimp
enthusiasts. Let's delve into the key features that make Matten Filters an
indispensable asset for successful shrimp.

1. Whole Wall of Filtration:

The Matten filter provides a whole wall of filtration, as opposed to smaller
sponge filters. The lift tubes on Matten filters generate an optimal flow for
freshwater shrimp tanks, creating a current that flows seamlessly from top to
bottom. By strategically positioning the bottom of the lift tube near the tank's
base, water is efficiently circulated from the bottom to the top. This ensures
uniform water movement throughout the entire tank, promoting a healthy
and thriving shrimp habitat

2. Expansive Surface Area and Food Source:

One of the standout features of Matten Filters is the substantial surface area
they provide. With 2 to 4 times more surface area than typical sponge filters,

Matten Filters offer an extensive feeding surface for both shrimp and baby
shrimp. This is a game-changer, as microorganisms thrive on the sponge's
surface, creating an ideal natural food source for shrimp.

3. Cost-Effective Operation:

They’re inexpensive, making them a budget-friendly choice for shrimp
enthusiasts. Their efficiency in maintaining water quality and promoting
shrimp health makes them a cost-effective investment in the long run.

4. Low Maintenance and Upkeep:

They’re relatively hassle-free with little maintenance. Installing is as simple as
placing the Black Reticulated Foam, and inserting the lift tube, then you
place your own airline tubing or airstone.

5. Shrimp-Safe Design:

Our Matten Filters for shrimp feature a PPI (pores per inch) of 35, preventing
shrimp from getting stuck in the foam - the pores are so small that they’re
also safe for baby shrimp. This thoughtful design element ensures the safety
of your shrimp while maintaining effective filtration.

Not just for shrimp though!

It’s also important to note that Matten filters can also be great not just in
shrimp tanks but fish tanks as well. However for fish we recommend a lower
PPI. The lower the PPI the larger the pores are, allowing for better water flow
through the filter. The main reason we use such a high PPI for shrimp is the
pores are smaller the higher the PPI therefore baby shrimp can’t get through
the pores of the filter.

In conclusion, Matten Filters emerge as the epitome of freshwater shrimp
tank filtration, offering a perfect blend of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and
shrimp-friendly design. By embracing these key features, shrimp enthusiasts
can elevate their keeping and breeding projects to new heights, ensuring the
health and prosperity of their cherished shrimp colonies.

Emily Dourm
Emily Dourm

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