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Nano Tank Tournament Recap

by Emily Dourm July 19, 2024 3 min read

Nano Tank Tournament Recap

For the past month, we've had people from all over the world submit their nano tanks for our first-ever Flip Aquatics Nano Tank Tournament. It's been incredible to see everyone's unique setups, from super minimalist designs with clean lines to more natural aquascapes with dark water. The variety and creativity have been truly inspiring. Our goal was to motivate newcomers to the hobby and spark fresh ideas for current hobbyists. We've been thrilled to hear from many of you about how this contest inspired you to revamp your existing tanks. Let's dive into the final four tanks that made it to the end!

Steffan's Tank

Round 1: Top Tank of the Week


Steffan entered his 12-gallon partial black water Amazonia tank. This tank is a rimless 12-gallon model from Sahara Aquariustic and is equipped with a simple hang-on-back filter, a heater, and a substrate of aqua soil with a gravel and sand cap. The aquarium features classic bogwood epiphytes like Anubias, a bit of bucephalandra, and a stunning carpet of cryptocoryne parva. The tank's inhabitants include robust neon tetras and licorice gourami. Stefan's favorite aspect of this aquarium is the live natural roots.

Check out Steffan's video here





Emily's Tank

Round 2: Top Tank of the Week

This is Emily's 5-gallon nano office tank. One of the things she loves most about it is that it was one of the very first tanks that she tried to aquascape, and it's grown as the months and years have gone by. She also really like the contrast of the pink flamingo crypt with all the greenery of the anubias that's filled in, as well as the nymph micrantha lily on the right.


Check out Emily's video here




Maddison's Tank

Round 3: Top Tank of the Week

 This is Maddison's 20-gallon-long nano fish tank. currently has CPD's, some chili's, shrimp and a school of Kuhli's and a couple of Cory's. This tank is actually inspired by a much larger version that MD Aquatics did and she loved it so much that she made one for herself. Her favorite part of this tank is the rock work, but she said only because the Kuhli's have made it their own little secret tunnel system, and because they have so many crevices hide in.

Check out Maddison's video here




Kjell's Tank

Round 4: Top Tank of the Week

 What happens when you combine too many plants and too many shrimp in one nano tank? That's the question Kjell asked when starting his video of his 20-gallon tank that he started a year and a half ago. It's his second tank... if you don't count the cheap one with the blue gravel and fake plants, he said. It was supposed to be a nature-style aquarium, but Kjell discovered he likes plants too much, so the title he gave his tank was "Going Dutch." Another good name he suggested was "Shrimptopia." He started with 12 red cherry shrimp from us back at the start, and they've now had somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 mature offspring. There are some fancy plants in this tank, but Kjell's favorite part is the humble pearl weed. He said it's like a kindergarten for the shrimp, and you can always find baby shrimp in this patch. 

Check out Kjell's Video here



As we conclude our first-ever Flip Aquatics Nano Tank Tournament, we're deeply inspired by the creativity and passion shown by participants worldwide. From minimalist marvels to lush natural landscapes, each tank has showcased the diversity of our community. This event was designed to ignite enthusiasm among newcomers and foster innovation among seasoned hobbyists, and your enthusiastic participation has exceeded our expectations.

We're excited about the future and can't wait to see what more our community has in store. As we look ahead, we're already brainstorming ideas for our next tournament, envisioning even more spectacular displays and new challenges to push the boundaries of aquatic artistry. Thank you to everyone who participated, and stay tuned for more exciting updates from Flip Aquatics!

Emily Dourm
Emily Dourm

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