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4 Captivating Dwarf Crayfish for Freshwater Aquariums

by Leathyr Ramsey January 12, 2024 2 min read

4 Captivating Dwarf Crayfish for Freshwater Aquariums

Small in stature but big on personality, dwarf crayfish are making a splash as nano aquarium candidates. These mini decapod crustaceans come in an array of bright colors while exhibiting complex behaviors without demanding intense care. Let’s spotlight a few top contenders taking over the aquatic hobby:

1. Dwarf Orange Mexican Crayfish

Dwarf Orange Mexican Crayfish

Cambarellus patzcuarensis 'orange' (CPO)

The most prolific and easiest to find, dwarf orange Mexicans reach just over 2 inches and live for 2-3 years. Their bright reddish-orange hue gives great contrast against planted tanks. Peaceful and social, they happily coexist with small fish and live plants.

2. Blue Mini Mexican Crayfish

Blue Mini Mexican Crayfish
Cambarellus patzcuarensis "Blue"

Very similar to dwarf oranges, “blue” variants display rare sky blue claws and dark blue on their bodies. Matures remain under 2 inches long. Their unique color in the crayfish world and comparable ease of care has collectors going crazy.

3. Blue Brazos Dwarf Crayfish

Blue Brazos Dwarf Crayfish
Cambarellus Texanus

Hailing from Texas, Brazos dwarfs sometimes called “liger” crayfish for their striping. These crawling blue gems also stay petite under 2 inches with striking sapphire claws. While still relatively new to the trade, their hardiness and looks attract attention.

4. Swamp Dwarf Crayfish

Swamp Dwarf Crayfish
Cambarellus puer

Also know as the Cambarellus puer, the Swamp Dwarf Crayfish is a rusty reddish-brown “puer” cray. Maxing around 2 inches, males especially impress with lengthy front claws. They peacefully coexist in community nano tanks much like their Mexican cousins.

Tank Parameters

  • Ph: 6.6 to 7.6
  • Gh: 6 to 16
  • Kh:  0 to 6
  • TDS: 130 to 250
  • Temp: 68 to 76

Any of these mini marvels make excellent starter crayfish! Their appeal continues growing due to small footprints, striking shades, and display tank friendliness for interacting without major risk. Dwarf crayfish let aquarists safely enjoy these captivating crustaceans.

DISCLAIMER: Some states prohibit the import of crayfish. It is the consumer's responsibility to be aware of their state's laws.

Leathyr Ramsey
Leathyr Ramsey

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