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Blue Mini Least Crayfish | Cambarellus diminutus

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Introducing the Blue Mini Crayfish: A Petite Marvel for Your Aquarium

Are you in search of an intriguing and colorful addition to your aquatic collection? Look no further than the Blue Mini Crayfish (Cambarellus diminutus "Blue"), also known as the Least Dwarf Crayfish. These captivating crustaceans are known for their striking blue hue and petite size, making them a fantastic choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists alike. Let's dive into the fascinating world of the Blue Mini Mexican Crayfish and discover why they're a must-have for your aquatic setup.

Appearance: The Blue Mini Mexican Crayfish boasts a vibrant, iridescent blue coloration that truly stands out in any aquarium. Their small size, typically reaching up to 2 inches (5 cm), makes them well-suited for nano and smaller community tanks. Their striking appearance and unique body shape make them a captivating addition to your underwater world.

Behavior: Despite their small stature, Blue Mini Mexican Crayfish are incredibly active and curious creatures. They're known for their entertaining antics and inquisitive nature as they scuttle around the aquarium, exploring every nook and cranny. Their endearing behavior and charming appearance make them a delightful focal point in any tank.

Tank Requirements: To provide the best care for these crayfish, set up a well-maintained aquarium with plenty of hiding spots and caves created by rocks and driftwood. Blue Mini Mexican Crayfish prefer slightly alkaline water conditions with stable parameters. Ensure a secure lid for your tank, as they are known to be skilled escape artists.

Feeding Habits: These crayfish are omnivorous and have a varied diet. Offer them sinking pellets, quality flakes, and occasional live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. They will also scavenge for leftover food in the substrate and among tank decorations.

Compatibility: Blue Mini Mexican Crayfish are generally peaceful but can become territorial if not provided with enough space and hiding spots. While they can be kept with other peaceful community fish, it's crucial to choose tankmates that won't harass or prey on them. Keeping them in a species-only tank or with other crayfish of similar size is often a great choice.

Breeding: Breeding Blue Mini Mexican Crayfish in captivity can be an exciting endeavor. They lay eggs, and the female carries them until they hatch, releasing tiny crayfish fry. Providing ample hiding spots and a secure environment for the young crayfish is essential for their survival.

In conclusion, the Blue Mini Mexican Crayfish is a petite marvel that adds a splash of color and curiosity to your aquarium. With their captivating appearance, active behavior, and compatibility with the right tankmates, they bring a unique charm to your underwater world. Elevate your aquatic experience by introducing the Blue Mini Mexican Crayfish to your collection and watch as they become a delightful and captivating part of your aquatic family.

DISCLAIMER: Some states prohibit the import of crayfish. It is the consumer's responsibility to be aware of their state's laws.

Tank Parameters

  • Ph: 6.6 to 7.6
  • Gh: 6 to 16
  • Kh:  0 to 6
  • TDS: 130 to 250
  • Temp: 68 to 76

Tank Equipment

  • Filter: Matten Filter
  • Substrate: sand, brightwell soil
  • Water: RO/DI Water remineralized with Salty Shrimp Gh+
  • Decor: Malaysian Driftwood, Java Moss and Indian Almond Leaves


Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
David Gray
Great Customer Service

Great experience, great customer support and will definitely buy again!

WIlliam Wainwright
Impressive shipping!

Everyone came in individually wrapped. It’s very cold here right now and the heat pad was still intact. Very impressed.

Gwynne Rife
Very nice addition to my tank!

These little crayfish are very nice and were the right species! Arrived fast and each in their own little bad so they did not pull each other apart. They are doing great in my aquarium.

Jonathan Blumin
Awesome little lobster!

I love these guys, they are very small, almost like Neos. They do not seem aggressive and are very cool to watch eat and run around. These little guys are a very cool alternative to shrimp or addition to a shrimp tank!

Darren Jennings

After the Post Office took a couple extra days to get them to me. I was not able to get them into their tank for another day. So far, they seem to be able to handle it and are doing well.