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Vital Tabs | Aquarium Plant Fertilizer Root Tabs

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Introducing Vital tabs! You have been asking for them and they are finally here. If you're unfamiliar with root tabs and why they are important most plants eat through their roots! (Duh right?) If they happen to be a plant like a sword or crypts they primarily only get their nutrients from their roots. Most plants will take advantage of the root tab nutrients even if they aren't a sword or crypt.

Vital tabs are a mix of mineralized top soil and a clay formula. It's like injecting dirt directly into your tank. If you didn't know dirt is hands down the best way to grow plants in the aquarium! So if you have a sand or gravel substrate this is perfect for you as they don't have nutrients to begin with. If you have a plant specific substrate this is still great because it adds extra nutrients to the substrate that may have already been used.

Tab Break Down:

75% Mineralized Top Soil
25% EI+Clay formula(16 parts Red Clay, 8 parts CSM+B, 2 parts Potassium Sulfate, 2 parts Magnesium Sulfate, 0.5 part Potassium Nitrate)


Push to the bottom of your substrate either with tweezers or fingers. The gel capsule will dissolve after a few minutes of being wet and all the contents will be securely beneath the substrate. Do not put directly under plants! Spread out at least 1" away from the base of the plants. Each root tab will cover a 5"x5" square. Replace root tabs every 2-3 months or as needed. (Always start off with less in the beginning.)


Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Glad when it came



Jeff Lawrence
I am very pleased with the root tabs

They have helped with the transition into my aquarium quite nicely and there has been no melting of the plants I received from Flip Aquatic as well. I highly recommend this product

Scott Bennett

Planted deep under substrate as instructions say. Not only did the gel caps not dissolve "after a few minutes of being wet", they made their way back up to the surface. They "dissolved" just enough that when you try to remove them from your tank, they break into many pieces and make your tank look like sh*t. I'll be sticking with the non-gel cap root tabs from now on.