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10 Malaysian Trumpet Snails

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Malaysian trumpet snails are a perfect addition to any shrimp tank. The snails will help prevent gas build ups in the substrate and also help prevent a tank from re-cycling due to lack of bio-load. These snails will not over populate a tank unless over feeding occurs. Snails will be equal to or larger than 1/4 of an inch. 

Please Note: Malaysian Trumpet Snails are illegal to own and purchase in Illinois and Wisconsin. Please be responsible and do not release any aquatic life into local waterways. 

Main Benefits:

  • Snails help keep a shrimp tank from re-cycling by provided adequate bio-load
  • By burrowing into the substrates, these snails help keep turn the substrate which prevents gas build up. 
  • Eat left over food to prevent ammonia spikes
  • Hardy so they can adjust to most water parameters 

When Receiving Snails: 

  1. Place the snails in a corner of the tank and make a mental note where they were place
  2. Watch the snails over 7 days, if they do not move remove them from the aquarium
  3. Give the snails a smell and if they stink, then they are dead
  4. If they do not smell, add them back to the aquarium and give it another 3 days
  5. It is common for snails to burrow into the substrate and disappear from sight

More Information: 

Malaysian trumpet snails are considered by most hobbyists as pests. We want to change the stereotype that these snails are bad for an aquarium. These snails play a vital role in each one of our breeding tanks here at Flip Aquatics. Malaysian trumpet snails are notorious for burrowing themselves into the substrate. When using sand in an aquarium, gas build ups often occur in the sand. These build ups can be release if the substrate is disturbed resulting in toxic gas enter the aquarium. Malaysian trumpet snails cure this problem by continuously disturbing the substrate and preventing gas build up.

The Malaysian trumpet snail plays another key factor in our aquariums. When a shrimp tank is initially started, most breeders will add 20 to 30 shrimp into an aquarium. Shrimp do not produce much organic waste, therefore; a new shrimp tank runs the risk of recycling because it lacks the needed organic waste to keep the beneficial bacteria alive. By adding a handful of Malaysian trumpet snails into a newly set up tank with shrimp, the snails produce the needed waste to keep the beneficial bacteria alive long enough for the shrimp population to take over. The snails also act as a great cleanup crew for uneaten food.

Snails are tolerant to any water parameter. They can survive pretty much anything a hobbyist can throw at them. They will not over populate unless a tank is being overfed. By following proper feeding regiments, an aquarium will maintain a healthy balance.

Please note: During shipping, snails sometimes go into a hibernation-like state and may not become fully active for up to a week once acclimated to your aquarium. 


Customer Reviews

Based on 300 reviews

All came happy, and Flip included an extra snail in my order :)

Dwyane S.
Alive and Thriving

Ordered my first batch of MTS to help with cycling my first 5 gallon shrimp tank. They all arrived in great condition and are thriving! I cycled my tank in less than 30 days which was definitely a nice surprise. I’m hooked and I’m already planning my second tank and have tons of items in my cart that I will be purchasing.

Eric Nelson

I love these snails and they all arrived healthy

Jennifer Elliott
Thriving, Industrious Little Cleaners!

We had a serious algae problem in our 10 gallon. I bought 10 of these little guys and there's only a little bit of algae coloration on the clean white cloth when we clean the glass during a water change now. Excellent investment!

Trumpets arrived healthy

This is my first experience with Trumpets but so far I’m pleased to have them in the tank. Ordered the 10 and received two bonus. Various sizes and all alive. They buried themselves in the substrate within an hour and I do see some periodically when the lights have been low or off. I have them in a planted tank that’s been running almost four years with some aquatic soil, sand and small gravel. Excited to see if their presence and burrowing does make a difference as a clean up crew.