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Habrosus Corydoras

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The habrosus corydoras (Salt and Pepper Pygmy Cory) is a extremely small schooling species of catfish that should be kept in groups of at least 5. Species of this corydoras are often very active swimmers, the entire group can be found schooling but will use driftwood and plants for cover if feeling threatened. The habrosus cory can be housed with a large variety of fish, especially nano species including dwarf shrimp. On occasion they can be seen eating dwarf shrimp fry, but the adults are usually safe.

These corydoras will display a light grey/tan body with blotches of silver and black broken striping. This broken stripe helps distinguish this species from the very similar species corydoras pygmaeuswhich has a solid stripe. 

These corydoras are a very comparable to larger species in that they scavenge the bottom of the aquarium for prepared food and microorganisms. These fish will readily accept dry and frozen foods.

We feed our corydoras Northfin foods 0.5 mm, Fluval Bug Bites for small fish, and frozen brine shrimp.

Our Tank Parameters

  • Ph: 7.2 to 7.5
  • Gh: 8 to 16
  • Kh: 4 to 7
  • TDS: 180 to 250
  • Temp: 70 to 74

Tank Recommendations

  • Leaves: Indian Almond or Guava
  • Wood: Mopani or Malaysian
  • Cones: Alder Cones
  • Substrate: Sand or soft soil, rough substrate can wear down barbels
  • Plants: Mosses, java ferns, Anubias, crypts, etc.


Customer Reviews

Based on 32 reviews
D Daniel
5 stars

My Habrosus Cory’s came very well packed. I made a point to be home on delivery day. The instructions were clear. They are acclimated to their new home and seem very happy. Would recommend Flip Aquatics

Lit'L Crazy
Pygmy salt & pepper

Great value. Fish are young and small so have lots of time to adjust and grow. Colored up immediately and showed very little stress. Hard workers in a nano tank.

Sandra Dolbel
Hasbrosus Corydora's

Ordered 10 Received 12. 1 DOA which I expected with such little fish. 2 days later I realized one wasn't like the was a little otocinclus...what a cute surprise. All very active and doing great. Love flip aquatics. Thanks guys

Andrea Heisey

Habrosus Corydoras

Michael S Scott

Ordered 6 of these Corydoras Habrosus for a planted 36 gal bow front Neocaridina Shrimp tank, and not only were they very well packed, but I received 7 instead of 6,, and they all arrived alive and active. Will be ordering again soon..