Java Moss
Java Moss, like other aquarium plants, will help convert an aquarium into an ecosystem. Java moss will help reduce ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites but its main benefit is in baby shrimp survival rates. Java moss provides great refuge for young shrimp and also increases the surface area in which shrimp can graze. It is reported that java moss is a great breeding ground for microorganisms which are essential to baby shrimp survival. On top of the many benefits, java moss is extremely easy to keep and propagate. Although it grows slowly, once established it is hard to kill. So if someone lacks a green thumb, java moss is a great place to start.
When asked, “What's the most essential part of a successful shrimp tank?” we will always respond with three key factors: leaf matter, java moss, and a piece of driftwood. Of the three key factors, Java Moss is our number one. Java moss provides many benefits to an aquarium and even more benefits when keeping shrimp.
Scientific Name: Vesicularia Dubyana
Common Names: Java Moss,Singapore moss
Caring for Java Moss
Care Level:Easy
Light: Low-Medium
CO2: Not necessary but could be beneficial
Fertilizer orShrimp Safe Fertilizer
Propagation: Easy to propagate, can just be cut or ripped apart and relocated
Note: Please do additional research on your plant to ensure its health.
*All Plants may contain scuds, snails or snail eggs. We keep them in all of our tanks for the benefits they provide.*