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Chocolate Rabbit Snails

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Chocolate rabbit snails resemble Malaysian trumpet snails in shape but rabbit snails are much larger in size. The shape and color of rabbit snails are slightly different as well. They are equally as valuable for your aquarium as Malaysian trumpet snails making them a great alternative. Snails will be equal to or larger than 1/4 of an inch.

Main Benefits:

  • Snails help keep a shrimp tank from re-cycling by provided adequate bio-load
  • By burrowing into the substrates, these snails help keep turn the substrate which prevents gas build up. 
  • Snails eat left over food to prevent ammonia spikes
  • Hardy so they can adjust to most water parameters 

When Receiving Snails: 

  1. Place the snails in a corner of the tank and make a mental note where they were place
  2. Watch the snails over 7 days, if they do not move remove them from the aquarium
  3. Give the snails a smell and if they stink, then they are dead
  4. If they do not smell, add them back to the aquarium and give it another 3 days
  5. It is common for snails to burrow into the substrate and disappear from sight

More Information: 

 Also know as the elephant snails, rabbit snails are very peaceful in nature. They have a great temperament to them and they enjoy exploring the aquarium. They are never aggressive to other inhabitants. Rabbit snails tend to be active throughout the day and night. They do not favor one time or the other to be active. 

Care Parameters: 

  • TDS between 200 and 400 
  • GH between 6 and 15
  • KH between 4 and 8
  • PH around 7.2 to 7.8
  • These parameters are what we keep them at, they can adjust to other parameters as well. Try to stay on the harder side rather than softer water. 


Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Joel Owensby

Arrived alive and well!

Bill Murphy

Both Chocolate Rabbit Snails arrived healthy and acclimated very well to my tanks. I put one in each of my community tanks and both are great. Can’t wait till they get bigger!

Strong snail

I wrote a review when the lil gal arrived ive had her a small while and she's been amazing. After having her about a month in she had 1 child continuing to now shes had 7-8 of them with no partner all very healthy baby's.

Ivy Smith
Happy snails

The little guy arrived healthy and in time I’m very happy with him thank you for great service!

Marvin Laack II
Update on rabbit snails.

After contacting Flip Aquatics, I received a refund for the dead snails. Quickly, extremely quickly. No hassle or hoops to jump through. Best experience ever. Will be ordering from them in the very near future.