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3 Blue Mystery Snails

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Blue Mystery snails have a very desirable color to them. They resemble a blue Ramshorn snail in color but differ in shape. The light blue color is very appealing in almost any aquarium. Mystery snails have become a huge part of Flip Aquatics due to their many benefits for breeding and keeping shrimp. The following reasons are why we have found these snails to be a crucial part of our shrimp tanks:


We use these beautiful snails to help keep our aquarium cycled as we add and take shrimp out of the tank to sell. They produce a fair amount of waste which helps keep beneficial bacteria. This bacteria is crucial for processing waste out of the water (also known as the nitrogen cycle).

Clean Up

One of the leading causes for beginner shrimp keepers to fail is overfeeding. Many hobbyists are use to feeding a lot and doing huge water changes. For shrimp, this is not the case. A smaller water change of 10% biweekly is more than enough for shrimp to thrive. Therefore, when the occasional overfeeding happens it can lead to raised ammonia level and in turn, dead shrimp.

Mystery snails have a large appetite and will gladly clean up any leftover food in an aquarium. They can actually breakdown food much quicker than shrimp through digestion. This is why we believe that snail poop is actually beneficial to a shrimp’s diet. Therefore, these snails are providing clean up and eventually natural food.


Mystery snails are from the genus Ampullariidae. They originate from South America and are extremely peaceful. In a shrimp tank, they are the gentle giant. The only downside to mystery snails is that their main diet in the wild is from feeding on dying vegetation. This means that mystery snails will not eat healthy plants. They will feed on dying plants or leaves that have fallen off the plant. These snails will thrive off of leaf matter. The snail feces is believed to be beneficial to shrimp and their overall health. There are over 120 species of snails with the Ampullariidae family.

Please note: During shipping, snails sometimes go into a hibernation-like state and may not become fully active for up to a week once acclimated to your aquarium. 

Tank Parameters

  • Ph: 7.0 to 7.6
  • Gh: 7 to 15
  • Kh:  2 to 8
  • TDS: 180 to 400
  • Temp: 68 to 72

Tank Equipment

  • Filter: Matten Filter
  • Substrate: Pool Filter Sand
  • Water: RO/DI Water remineralized with Salty Shrimp Gh/Kh+
  • Decor: Malaysian Driftwood, Java Moss and Indian Almond Leaves

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Blue mystery snails

Snails absolutely have wonderful color. They alive healthy with brilliant colors in the middle of the snowstorm.

Great snails

I am a first time snail owner and after tons of research decided mystery snails were the ones for me. They were packed well and made it in great shape, thank you Faith. I received two bigger and two smaller snails, one was an extra. Three of them were out moving all over the bag they were shipped in and they continued to do the same after being acclimated and moved to their new home and one was hiding. That one that was hiding came out partially on day two, just once, and felt around with its antennas and then seemed to get spooked and went back into hiding and hasn't come out again since. Its only been a little over 2 days total so I'm sure it will eventually come out again.

Pamela King
Blue snails thriving

They are thriving.

Rachel Baker
Pretty snails

I made a request for the snails to not have algae all over their shells as I wanted to be able to see their beautiful colors and not one came with any on it! I was amazed! Also I got one extra which always makes me happy

Bailey Garner
Super snails

First time mystery snail owner. I ordered 3 blue, 3 black, and 3 jade. Let me just say these guys are so adorable I had no idea they were so cute. But in regards to Flip Aquatics, these guys came in perfect condition, I even received a couple extras which is super cool. They were packaged so well along with some plants. I acclimated them for a few hours and put them in the tanks and they went to town immediately. They zip and zoom all over the place. New favorite!! Thank you so much!