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Indian Almond Leaves - 3 Sizes

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Indian almond leaves are also known as catappa leaves. These leaves are an essential part of breeding and keeping freshwater shrimp. Although, they are also beneficial to bettas, Apistogrammas and Corydoras species for their healing properties and ability to lower the pH. 

Key Features:

  • Provides Natural Food Source for Ornamental Shrimp
  • Releases Tannin into the water which contains Healing Properties 
  • Lowers the pH slightly
  • Anti-fungal Properties to help fight off Infection
  • Creates Additional Hiding Places to Reduce Stress of Aquarium Inhabitants 

More Information:

When asked, “What is the most essential part to a successful shrimp tank?” we will always respond with three key factors: leaf matter, java moss, and a piece of driftwood. As far as leaf matter goes, there are many options. We have been using Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) exclusively in our tanks since 2010. We have experienced their benefits, including antibacterial properties, antifungal properties, additional hiding places and most importantly a constant food source for shrimplets.

Often times, hobbyists will use Indian Almond Leaves to simulate black water conditions. They do this to simulate the natural environment of the specific shrimp or fish that is being kept. IAL's help lower the Ph in aquariums due to the release of humic acid and tannins into the water column (this will change the color of the aquarium water). Tannins are what will help fight and sometimes treat both bacterial and fungal problems in the aquarium. Some say, IAL are a great source of calcium as well and will aid in the fertility of the shrimp or fish.

With all this being said, Flip Aquatics will continue to use Indian Almond Leaves in the future year as an essential part of breeding shrimp. Also, Indian Almond Leaves do have many common names including: Ketapang Leaves, Tropical Almond Leaves, Sweet Almond Leaves, Wild Almond Leaves, Sea Almond Leaves, Catappa Leaves, etc.

Customer Reviews

Based on 132 reviews
George Fisher
Exactly what I needed!

I have several small shrimp bowls and jars. I also have a 55 gallon with various tetras and endlers. I felt I needed leaf litter to finish it. These leaves did exactly what I needed in each tank.

I used a leaf hole punch for the smaller enclosures, but just broke up larger pieces for the 55 gallon.

Got just the right amount of tannins to get the look I felt was missing. I believe the fish and shrimp appreciate it.

HIghtly recommend Flip Aquatics!!!!


Great quality. Thank you.

Daniel Pettee

Indian Almond Leaves - 3 Sizes


Perfectly packed no broken ones and great quality. My shrimp, snails and fish all luv the Almond Leaves.

Jeremy Luke
Indian almond leaves

Leaves came in good condition. snails and plecos loved munching on them